Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Long Gone.

"I will not be defined by you."

- Worry Dolls.

You know what's the weirdest yet coolest thing right now? London friends becoming Nashville friends.

Kelly and I met up with Zoe and Rosie, or Worry Dolls, while we were across the pond. We went to a couple of their basement pub shows and even met them for dinner near the O2. And now, they live in Nashville. What even is life?!

Reverting back to our London ways, Kelly and I crashed their first Nashville gig in, coincidentally, a bar. Same idea, different place. 

But they did not disappoint the American audience. They killed it, for sure.

I'm loving this whole idea that London still hasn't left me yet. It might be thousands of miles away, but the love and the memories of it isn't far at all.

It's right where I want it to be.

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