Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sea Sick.

"Something that you said
made me think,
'I'll stop running.'
Face all my old fears
one more time."

-Bonnie Dune.

It's been almost 24 hours and I'm still in complete and utter shock over the devastating news rocking the entertainment world as we know it. We lost a good one, that's for sure.

Literally, I've been paralyzed in my thoughts every time I read another article about it. It just doesn't seem real. I know he's gone, but I swear to myself, he's still around. I can find no closure at all and I didn't even know him personally. Just a far-away fan with a hopeless crush. But he still meant something.

I know he made me laugh and sing and be happy. He filled so many hearts with happiness and he left a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm just praying that even though his is now dark, it wasn't because he turned it off himself. 

I am sending all the thoughts and prayers and love to his family. The people that love and know him better than anyone else on the planet. The ones who he touched with his precious, gapped smile and his overly tall body composition. It was the quirks that made him and the talent that led him to this wonderful life. I can't believe I'm still not completely speechless over this, because my mind is still racing about 1000 miles a minute every time the subject comes up.

I'm also wishing the best for Ms. Michele. She is too beautiful and lovely to have this break her right now. It's not fair to her. I mean, it's never fair to anyone, but all I keep thinking is he was too young and too good. He was a spark and for her, he was her safety net. I can't even begin to fathom being in the position. Sending everything positive and happy your way during this horrific time.

Cory Monteith, you will forever be one of my biggest crushes. I will always see your face and giggle at how silly yet handsome you were. You are loved for the end of time. And we all miss you. 

Rest in peace, Frankenteen. 

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