Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Paper Wings.

"I can't tell if you're laughing.
Between each smile,
there's a tear in your eye."

-Rise Against.

If you know nothing about me, first part of my personality is I am obsessed with laughter. Telling jokes and crying from too much hilarity is my cup of tea. It's not hard to get me to start giggling, but I swear to you, it is the best medicine around. Heck, I haven't been to a real physician for probably over 10 years and I've never been horribly ill. Truth is: laughing is the key to happiness and health. I thought I'd share with you some things that have kept my smile alive the past few days. Too much goodness in this world.

are we just born knowing the lyrics to mr. brightside
*bursts out of the womb* COMIN’ OUT OF MY CAGE AND I’VE BEEN DOIN’ JUST FINE

-This post is from my Tumblr (soawaywego.tumblr.com) and literally, I have not seen something so relevant to my life.

Kids do say the darndest things...

Song of the summer done classical. This never gets old.

Thanks, babe. Keep being gorgeous.

Can I please have this tank top? Guaranteed I would wear this every day of my life, if possible.

Welcome to being best friends with me. I care...but don't mind me if halfway through our conversation, I bring up my love of bulldogs or dirty jokes.

The Hills was always spot-on about boys. Example A.

Pretty sure I say my greetings like this 124% of the time. Inside, I am the real Mrs. Doubtfire, people.

Last but definitely not least. Oh my goodness. Watching this brought up my love for these boys x100. Harry's "valley girl" voice...priceless (and accurate).

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