Saturday, July 6, 2013

Black Skinhead.

"For my theme song,
my black leather jeans on.
My by any means on,
pardon I'm getting my scream on."

-Kanye West.

Oh, Washington, how I don't miss you so. Just bring me my nephew and all will be right in the world again. California is way better than you shall ever be. No offense, you're just not my style.

Let's reminisce the week I only want to remember for the bright fireworks, s'mores debut and baby laughs.

My heart...I just can't even.

We're going to the zoo! We're going to the zoo!

Baaa. Pet the goat.

Yeah, he likes the water...

Blood popsicles. Yum.

They made me ride a camel. Six bucks to ride this stupid camel. Come on.

Never heard a baby laugh with such joy as this little guy.

It's a beautiful day.

This was my dad's favorite part of the trip. Humiliation at its finest.

Ill Eagle. Ha. Ha ha. Wow.

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