Saturday, July 20, 2013


"These bruises make for better conversation.
Loses the vibe that separates,
it's good to let you in again."


I think I'm going to quit shopping at normal stores for the next year to live life thrifting. Literally, I don't know how I have such good luck, but I swear I find the coolest clothes every single time I go. Without even trying, I come home thinking I have the raddest new addition to my closet. 

My mission for this trip: shortalls. My obsession with these cutoff overalls is a little bit unhealthy. Naturally, this hunt turned into a frustrated event in which these items of clothing were the hardest things to find in the whole entire store. (I can't believe I'm typing so "politely", I was so mad I almost screamed because I wanted a pair and could not see any when usually there is like 26 pairs.)

Thankfully, I'm still the size of a 12 year old girl, so I always make the benefit of a doubt and check out the tweenie-bopper section. And guess what I came across...


Even though I'm not the biggest fan of pink, these fit amazingly and they were $1.50. How could I refuse? Get ready for the tiny tot hillbilly look, y'all.

Other great finds:

Can't wait for the Old Navy onesie to fade over time so I can look extra cool. Oh and those cuffed shorts? Butter yellow Ralph Lauren for $3.50. HOLLA!

I do wear your granddad's clothes....and I sure will look incredible. This is (bleeping) awesome.

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