Monday, July 8, 2013

How Long.

"Forgiveness is a heavy promise.
It's a language that's so hard to speak."

-Dave Barnes.

Accomplished something on my summer bucket list. Score one for me!

I spent the foggy evening in the trunk of a toaster car, feasting on popcorn and watching the cutest Monsters University. That movie is too adorable and so college and all it made me want to do is go back to Tennessee. It gave me hope for this upcoming year and all the potential it has. 

Before and after the film, though, I got to torture one of my best friends, P. We go wayyyyyyy back. I mean, like, all the way to junior high. As I like to refer to them as the awkward, ugly years. Ah, yes, back then when you make a best friend instantly because you stole someone's Nerds candy and share them with a complete stranger.

I feel like the people who have made the biggest stamp on my life have been the ones who I have met randomly and spontaneously. It makes it kind of special even though their friendship comes as a huge surprise to me. (I don't really enjoy getting surprised, FYI) He is included in that and I swear our friendship is basically one giant rollercoaster. Ups, downs, twists and turns...the whole shabang. But I guess that's what makes our friendship so strong and will continue to be as silly as we are. Yes, we participate in witty banter and lanky dance parties while driving in the car. Big's casual.

Nights like these make me reflect and love where I'm at. It's my mantra of things happening for a reason and the people who surround you are an outward appearance of yourself. It's cool to know someone like P has been there for me for years, through thick and thin, and yet we still laugh and tell stories like no tomorrow.

That's the best kind of friendship around.

P.S. Go watch Monsters Uni. It is beyond wonderful and I love it dearly.

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