Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Place To Lay My Head.

"Out on the highway,
dancing low.
The thunder of a heartbeat
in these weary bones."

-Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors.

One of my favorite things I experience from time to time is when I see my friends as some of the coolest people I will ever know. I absolutely love the people who I call my second family. The ones you surround yourself with really do influence you and change you in every aspect of who you are. I'm blessed to have these amazing human beings as people I can trust and laugh with.

As I packed P's life for Australia in the small confines of a miniature suitcase, I thought about what got us here. Our journey has definitely been one filled with ups and downs. He's one of the many that has had bumps along the road and feelings left uncharted. But in the end, I wound up on his floor, rolling his shirts and stuffing them in the tiniest two-week check-in bag ever. And it was so much fun. We 

I find it quite cool to have this best friend of mine because we have been through the ringer together. I've literally seen him grow up before my eyes and I'm pretty positive he could say the same about me. (Possibly...I'm still a tad immature.) To be able to just joke about awkward things and talk about anything makes it comfortable and easy. Friendships like that make my heart full.

I adore my friends. Every single one of them. For their grace, patience, kindness, laughter, honesty, trust, and most importantly, love. Because I hope, along the way, I have given the same to them. That's all I could ever ask for.

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