Saturday, July 27, 2013

About A Girl.

"These lines,
so well-rehearsed,
and overloaded.
You'll never notice."

-The Academy Is...

Roadtrippin' it to Nevada for the next week! Time to go up and breathe in the fresh (and highly elevated) air. Ah, can't wait to sit in the spa while looking upon mountain city lights.

BOOM. I'll be back...

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Running Of The Bulls.

"Now a scene remains
and I will soon not forget.
Just a lonely breeze
and you where we met."

-Tall Heights.

This folk-ish song is such a great slow jam. Obsessed at the moment. Check it out if you're into that whole hipster/West Virginia fiddle vibe.

Hoy es Viernes! Hoy es Viernes! Viernes Cinco, si? All of the ensembles are appearing from my Pinterest in honor of the fact that my Project:Fashion board inspired one of my dearest friends. Gotta love her sweet soul.

Yes. Overalls. These are my sick obsession of the moment. Bringing back the 90s full circle in this outfit, tied flannel and all.

Some days, I wish Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard was my real life, so I could be this cool beachy skater kid. I guess this oversize shirt/snapback combo will have to suffice my alter ego as a cool chick.

Rihanna looks fab in this on-trend crop top and destroyed boyfriend blues. Rough around the edges, but elegant nonetheless.

WHY CAN'T I EVER LOOK THIS RAD. An LBD and Converse is like my guilty pleasure go-to look. Give me that swag, bro.

Simply classic. What else can I say? This look screams old Hollywood meets Cape Cod summer. Longing for the day I can look this gorgeous in the most casual of clothing.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Three Little Birds.

"Don't worry
about a thing.
Cause every little thing's
gonna be alright."

-Bob Marley.

Beach days are best days. My passion for the Pacific is as deep as the ocean bottom and it will never cease to amaze me. Ah, my heart.

I typically venture out into the great blue, but with such freezing temperatures, I never really make it past my waist. But today, I took the plunge and went all the way under. The mixture of numbness and adrenaline made me feel...alive. (Maybe all the blood rushed to my head.) But I felt more myself than most times this summer. It just felt good, to be completely honest, to be surrounded by the murky, salted sea. It was a eerie sense of calm as I waded and braved the increasingly high tide. The little pieces to the puzzle of my enlightenment.

Hopefully, one day, I'll return to the sunny coast to spend my days away on the shore. Seems like paradise to me. And we all know what they say...

Life's a beach. Enjoy the waves.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Breathe (2AM).

"If I get it all down on paper,
it's no longer inside of me,
threatening the life it belongs to."

-Anna Nalick.

Goodness, me. I came across this tune as I was curling my hair this moment and it made me just...stop for a bit. These lyrics always hit my heart directly because I've been here a time or two. As someone who loves to spend her days writing her soul down, I know the vulnerability and the anxiety that comes along with anything put in ink. Having written "songs" and letters to people, it still haunts me (in an intriguing way) to know that there are permanent words about moments in my life. Even though I'm nowhere close to a professional, those memories are stained into former blank pages and have become me. What a funny revelation...

Anywho, this week has just been golden, hasn't it? Too many good things packed into the past five days. It's been making me one happy and excited girl. Today marks the last online history test I shall ever take and my achievement of earning a passing grade. Hallelujah!

But more importantly, my life changed a year ago today at approximately 11:02 am. Although when the news came in December about the addition to our family (and my anger-filled disagreement with the situation), I know now that everything happens for a reason and God always has a great plan for us. My brother and sister-in-law brought a beautiful little baby boy into the world (side note: he was born while my mommy and I were ordering In-N-Out for lunch...double score) and he has been the light in our family's lives ever since. I love that baby too much, even if I do say he has a fat head almost every single day.

He is honestly the best kiddo around, filled with exuberant joy and a sense of inner calmness within. He is too handsome and adorable and just downright cute. 

Happy 1rst Birthday, baby! I love you, I love you, I love you.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


"We can dance with the dead.
You can rest your head
on my shoulder
if you wanna get older 
with me."

-John Mayer.

John Mayer, you have a hold over my heart and soul forever. I swear to you, that show last night was pure gold. I was drunk off of your rich guitar riffs and beautiful tone. You are back, Mayer, and better than ever before. I am still in complete awe and wonderment over the performance you gave last night. 

Your music is not just something I like to listen to. Let's get a tad emotional and exaggerated: I'm pretty sure your songs run through my veins. Nothing makes me feel as alive as live music does and yours is my euphoria. 

Concerts are officially my way to nirvana.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Best Song Ever.

"Said I had a dirty mouth,
but she kissed me
like she meant it."

-One Direction.

Too good for words to say. 

Proud of you, lads. You deserve it all. I love you boys.

From the bottom of the stairs to the top of the world...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Get Your Shine On.

"Silverado, candy painted.
Raybans, got the whole world shaded."

-Florida Georgia Line.

God is too good. Goodness gracious, his glory is wonderful and I feel forever blessed in this moment. My sweet, beautiful friend, Maddy, will be leaving this coast line for the southern soul of Texas. She's going down to the home of the Cowboys to spread the word of the Lord and rejoice in His name. Hallelujah, it's great to know that people can go down the perfect path for them. 

Tears and goodbyes aside, the ice cream and dancing was all around the room. I know for a fact that Maddy is loved by too many people and she deserves every ounce of our adoration for her. Her genuine kindness and pure honesty make her a brighter star than most. When people ask me about how she is, my first reaction is, "the coolest person I will ever know". Her heart is miles wide and keeps getting bigger every waking moment. What a wonderful Jesus-hearted woman. 

As she drives away to follow her dreams this Friday (!!!!!), I can't help but get this feeling like she's meant to go now. Her life is calling her to do this and accomplish everything she can ever put her mind to. The one and only downfall is her presence in the Golden State will be missed immensely. But no worries...Tennessee ain't too far from Texas.

Saying goodbye to the ones you love is probably the hardest thing to ever do in life. But as Mrs. Hunt said it best...

"That was a great game..."

Saturday, July 20, 2013


"These bruises make for better conversation.
Loses the vibe that separates,
it's good to let you in again."


I think I'm going to quit shopping at normal stores for the next year to live life thrifting. Literally, I don't know how I have such good luck, but I swear I find the coolest clothes every single time I go. Without even trying, I come home thinking I have the raddest new addition to my closet. 

My mission for this trip: shortalls. My obsession with these cutoff overalls is a little bit unhealthy. Naturally, this hunt turned into a frustrated event in which these items of clothing were the hardest things to find in the whole entire store. (I can't believe I'm typing so "politely", I was so mad I almost screamed because I wanted a pair and could not see any when usually there is like 26 pairs.)

Thankfully, I'm still the size of a 12 year old girl, so I always make the benefit of a doubt and check out the tweenie-bopper section. And guess what I came across...


Even though I'm not the biggest fan of pink, these fit amazingly and they were $1.50. How could I refuse? Get ready for the tiny tot hillbilly look, y'all.

Other great finds:

Can't wait for the Old Navy onesie to fade over time so I can look extra cool. Oh and those cuffed shorts? Butter yellow Ralph Lauren for $3.50. HOLLA!

I do wear your granddad's clothes....and I sure will look incredible. This is (bleeping) awesome.

Friday, July 19, 2013


"Pay attention to me,
I don't talk for my health.
I want you on my team.
So does everybody else."

-Nelly Furtado & Timbaland.

Getting back on track with some Friday Five magic. I'm so happy to be on the routine once again. Shall we...?

Gossip Girl forever owns my heart. It's wonderful and nothing can stop me from loving that show. I love to watch it just to get some inspiration in matching outfits. My muse for this week? Serena van der Woodsen, the goddess of the Upper East Side herself. Or as others know her in real life, Mrs. Blake Lively (Reynolds). Here are some of my favorites from the beauty queen herself:

This was my inspiration for prom, but I knew there was no way I could upstage the pure goddess ensemble Serena wore for the White Party. Elegant and easy.

VA-VA-VOOM. This dusty grey gown is stunning in all aspects. The dainty lace, the caped train and the mini skirt cut is just perfection in so many ways.

This girl can make anything look fab. This gold sequin blazer and royal blue trouser combo has just the Parisian touch, with style and class all its own.

This look makes me wish I was vacationing my life away in the streets of any European villa. The fedora adds so much boho-chic charm and those oxfords are on point for a simple little outfit.

Cape Cod-hippie much? A babydoll maxi has the best flow on Serena and gives her a bit of a beachy vibe. Lovin' that California influence.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Something Like That.

"I had a barbecue stain on my white T-shirt.
You were killing me in that mini skirt.
Skipping rocks on the river 
by the railroad tracks."

-Tim McGraw.

The somewhat aggie in me will always be a sucker for the county fair. Fried foods filled the air with sweet goodness and cows mooing throughout the grounds. Always will remind me of home sweet home. (Although I didn't get the memo of a sundress-cowboy boot dress code.)

I danced and sang the night away to my favorite cowboy, Mr. Tim McGraw. He was rockin' and rollin' like any real southern man and boy, was he fun. I could have done without the white girls wasted and the awkward people everywhere, it was one of those nights. (See what I did there...)

What a great opening night to Midstate. Y'all, it's gonna get crazy for the next ten days and we ain't stopping for anyone, ya hear?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Paper Wings.

"I can't tell if you're laughing.
Between each smile,
there's a tear in your eye."

-Rise Against.

If you know nothing about me, first part of my personality is I am obsessed with laughter. Telling jokes and crying from too much hilarity is my cup of tea. It's not hard to get me to start giggling, but I swear to you, it is the best medicine around. Heck, I haven't been to a real physician for probably over 10 years and I've never been horribly ill. Truth is: laughing is the key to happiness and health. I thought I'd share with you some things that have kept my smile alive the past few days. Too much goodness in this world.

are we just born knowing the lyrics to mr. brightside
*bursts out of the womb* COMIN’ OUT OF MY CAGE AND I’VE BEEN DOIN’ JUST FINE

-This post is from my Tumblr ( and literally, I have not seen something so relevant to my life.

Kids do say the darndest things...

Song of the summer done classical. This never gets old.

Thanks, babe. Keep being gorgeous.

Can I please have this tank top? Guaranteed I would wear this every day of my life, if possible.

Welcome to being best friends with me. I care...but don't mind me if halfway through our conversation, I bring up my love of bulldogs or dirty jokes.

The Hills was always spot-on about boys. Example A.

Pretty sure I say my greetings like this 124% of the time. Inside, I am the real Mrs. Doubtfire, people.

Last but definitely not least. Oh my goodness. Watching this brought up my love for these boys x100. Harry's "valley girl" voice...priceless (and accurate).

Monday, July 15, 2013

Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard.

"Well, I'm on my way.
I don't know where I'm going.
I'm on my way.
I'm taking my time, but I don't know where."

-Paul Simon.

So, after my wonderful summer weekend spent at the lake house with one of my favorites, it's time to get back in the wise. I admit I did not follow through with my Friday Five for last week, but I assure to you this is only going to be a thing if I am away from Wifi access during that splendid day. In order to somewhat make up for it, I've been hunting for my favorite style piece of the moment. No, not cutoffs. Not swimsuits, either. It's all about the romper. 

Rompers are the perfect way to throw on something in a jif and look cute while being somewhat lazy. Although sundresses can achieve the same purpose, I am a devoted shorts lover. Therefore, jumpers and bodysuits are right up my alley. Here are just a few of my favorite that I am dying to get my hands on:

White eyelet is my guilty pleasure. Bringing out the cute, country side with a bit of a cool edge. Perfect for a little summer outing, don't you agree?
-Forever 21, $24.80

Yes, I'm aware this is only the back. But the back of this playsuit is to die for. I'm so obsessed with this black-and-white polka dot number. It makes me want to run around like I'm five years old. Ahhh....
-Urban Outfitters, $64.00

Oh my goodness. Shut the front door. THIS IS THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER LAID EYES ON. I'm completely obsessed with this vintage-inspired floral romper. Give me, give me, give me!
-ASOS, $59.40

I want to take the moment to put my honest opinion out there. Overalls are coming back, y'all. I'm hopping aboard the one-piece denim train and I have no shame for embracing my inner hillbilly. So rad yet so weird. Loving it fully.
-ASOS, $67.88

Who runs the world? Girls. This army green romper shows off confidence and strength when matched with a solid pair of heels. You go, girl.
-Venus, $32.00

The lace all over this little outfit adds a bit a of girly eloquence. The tangerine hue is a bright summery color, perfect for this season and also for the beginning of autumn. And might I add pretty enough for wedding attire. It's a match.
-Anthropologie, $89.95

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sea Sick.

"Something that you said
made me think,
'I'll stop running.'
Face all my old fears
one more time."

-Bonnie Dune.

It's been almost 24 hours and I'm still in complete and utter shock over the devastating news rocking the entertainment world as we know it. We lost a good one, that's for sure.

Literally, I've been paralyzed in my thoughts every time I read another article about it. It just doesn't seem real. I know he's gone, but I swear to myself, he's still around. I can find no closure at all and I didn't even know him personally. Just a far-away fan with a hopeless crush. But he still meant something.

I know he made me laugh and sing and be happy. He filled so many hearts with happiness and he left a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm just praying that even though his is now dark, it wasn't because he turned it off himself. 

I am sending all the thoughts and prayers and love to his family. The people that love and know him better than anyone else on the planet. The ones who he touched with his precious, gapped smile and his overly tall body composition. It was the quirks that made him and the talent that led him to this wonderful life. I can't believe I'm still not completely speechless over this, because my mind is still racing about 1000 miles a minute every time the subject comes up.

I'm also wishing the best for Ms. Michele. She is too beautiful and lovely to have this break her right now. It's not fair to her. I mean, it's never fair to anyone, but all I keep thinking is he was too young and too good. He was a spark and for her, he was her safety net. I can't even begin to fathom being in the position. Sending everything positive and happy your way during this horrific time.

Cory Monteith, you will forever be one of my biggest crushes. I will always see your face and giggle at how silly yet handsome you were. You are loved for the end of time. And we all miss you. 

Rest in peace, Frankenteen. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013


"Put my ass in a lawn chair.
Toes in the clay.
Not a worry in the world,
a PBR on the way.
Life is good today."

-Zac Brown Band.

Escaping to the lake for the weekend with my best friend. Going to soak up some rays and wipe out on the innertube. Beyond stoked for the next three days in paradise.

Peace out, y'all. Cheers to the freakin' weekend. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Place To Lay My Head.

"Out on the highway,
dancing low.
The thunder of a heartbeat
in these weary bones."

-Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors.

One of my favorite things I experience from time to time is when I see my friends as some of the coolest people I will ever know. I absolutely love the people who I call my second family. The ones you surround yourself with really do influence you and change you in every aspect of who you are. I'm blessed to have these amazing human beings as people I can trust and laugh with.

As I packed P's life for Australia in the small confines of a miniature suitcase, I thought about what got us here. Our journey has definitely been one filled with ups and downs. He's one of the many that has had bumps along the road and feelings left uncharted. But in the end, I wound up on his floor, rolling his shirts and stuffing them in the tiniest two-week check-in bag ever. And it was so much fun. We 

I find it quite cool to have this best friend of mine because we have been through the ringer together. I've literally seen him grow up before my eyes and I'm pretty positive he could say the same about me. (Possibly...I'm still a tad immature.) To be able to just joke about awkward things and talk about anything makes it comfortable and easy. Friendships like that make my heart full.

I adore my friends. Every single one of them. For their grace, patience, kindness, laughter, honesty, trust, and most importantly, love. Because I hope, along the way, I have given the same to them. That's all I could ever ask for.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


"But every song's like
gold teeth, Grey Goose, trippin' in the bathroom,
blood stains, ball gowns, trashin' the hotel room.
We don't care,
we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams."


Been such a long while since I've mentioned my music picks on here. And this one I'm about to brag about is DOPE.

I have been on quite the hunt for some cool new jams. I've even resorted to mainstream pop radio. (Blurred Lines is such my guilty pleasure as of late.) But this song is purely FRESH. I can't even...

Apparently, this Lorde girl is like 16 years old and she's from New Zealand. I'm just too overly impressed by her sheer genius with how sick this jam is. It makes me feel cool and that's pretty hard to achieve in this day and age. I mean, you're talking to the most awkward weirdo on the planet. If this song makes me feel popular, that's a step up.

Check it. Right now.

Monday, July 8, 2013

How Long.

"Forgiveness is a heavy promise.
It's a language that's so hard to speak."

-Dave Barnes.

Accomplished something on my summer bucket list. Score one for me!

I spent the foggy evening in the trunk of a toaster car, feasting on popcorn and watching the cutest Monsters University. That movie is too adorable and so college and all it made me want to do is go back to Tennessee. It gave me hope for this upcoming year and all the potential it has. 

Before and after the film, though, I got to torture one of my best friends, P. We go wayyyyyyy back. I mean, like, all the way to junior high. As I like to refer to them as the awkward, ugly years. Ah, yes, back then when you make a best friend instantly because you stole someone's Nerds candy and share them with a complete stranger.

I feel like the people who have made the biggest stamp on my life have been the ones who I have met randomly and spontaneously. It makes it kind of special even though their friendship comes as a huge surprise to me. (I don't really enjoy getting surprised, FYI) He is included in that and I swear our friendship is basically one giant rollercoaster. Ups, downs, twists and turns...the whole shabang. But I guess that's what makes our friendship so strong and will continue to be as silly as we are. Yes, we participate in witty banter and lanky dance parties while driving in the car. Big's casual.

Nights like these make me reflect and love where I'm at. It's my mantra of things happening for a reason and the people who surround you are an outward appearance of yourself. It's cool to know someone like P has been there for me for years, through thick and thin, and yet we still laugh and tell stories like no tomorrow.

That's the best kind of friendship around.

P.S. Go watch Monsters Uni. It is beyond wonderful and I love it dearly.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Last Mistake.

"Yeah, you're only as right
as the wrong you make.
You can run, and you run,
and you run, but you'll never escape."


Homework takes up my whole entire life. Hating on the fact that I didn't spend one minute outside today. Thanks, world history. I hate you, too.

Being stuck in the confines of my bedroom, I started to get inspired to branch out and use the next month home to explore and adventure. I want to actually go out and do the things I say I'm going to do. I tried to start that today as I baked a cake (which turned out amazing by the way) and listening to some old jams. 

This week, I promise to dedicate myself to doing what I want to do rather than sitting around and living a boring life. Tomorrow's hope? DRIVE IN MOVIES. One of the coolest ideas of an activity, if you ask me. To be able to sit in the comfort of my own car covered in blankets and stuffing my face with 7-11 treats is basically my dream. I don't understand why all movie theaters aren't drive-ins. Too good. And I am dying to see Despicable Me 2. It's going to be good...I can feel it.

Here's a couple bucket lists to possibly jump your gun a bit. Monday tomorrow, so go out and do you. Live your life and accomplish everything. You are awesome.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Black Skinhead.

"For my theme song,
my black leather jeans on.
My by any means on,
pardon I'm getting my scream on."

-Kanye West.

Oh, Washington, how I don't miss you so. Just bring me my nephew and all will be right in the world again. California is way better than you shall ever be. No offense, you're just not my style.

Let's reminisce the week I only want to remember for the bright fireworks, s'mores debut and baby laughs.

My heart...I just can't even.

We're going to the zoo! We're going to the zoo!

Baaa. Pet the goat.

Yeah, he likes the water...

Blood popsicles. Yum.

They made me ride a camel. Six bucks to ride this stupid camel. Come on.

Never heard a baby laugh with such joy as this little guy.

It's a beautiful day.

This was my dad's favorite part of the trip. Humiliation at its finest.

Ill Eagle. Ha. Ha ha. Wow.