Monday, November 18, 2013


"I said maybe,
you're gonna be the one
that saves me."


Coffee-filled afternoons with true friends are pure bliss. Philosophical perspectives exchanged result in the sweetest of relationships and I couldn't be more thrilled to say I have found a great friend like my girl, Nikki. I've mentioned her in a post or so, but seriously, you guys. She and I just bond on another level higher than the majority of the other people I surround myself with. And specifically, on a rather warm November afternoon for middle Tennessee, she said this and it's sticking with me. Maybe for the night, maybe for the week, maybe for the next year. But I won't forget when she said:

"It's good to be walking in the light."

It goes back to what my favorite, John Mayer, wrote a while ago. Keep yourself where the light is. Honestly, it's some of the best advice I've ever heard in a song and Nik highlighted even more so today. 

We're all surviving and/or thriving in our own ways with our own paths drawn out. We may not know where we're going, but we're getting there and I hope my road leads me to the brightest of lights. 

I'm just excited. Maybe it's for the fact that I leave for Florida in t-minus 7 days. (!!!!!!) Maybe it's because I finished one of my classes as of this morning. Maybe I'm just preparing myself for the near future. But it's good. Good vibes for all. 

And the light will guide me home...

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