Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Little I Know.

"The little I know,
thought I'd live in California.
Maybe not to settle down,
for a season, anyway."

- Dave Barnes.


Dave Barnes is the total bro. I've been listening to his music for probably five or so years now and he never disappoints. He is one of the kings of the Nashville singer/songwriter clan and he knows what he is doing with every record he puts out.

"Hymns for Her" follows that exact statement to a tee.

Why I love his music really just says it all about who he is as a person: it's calming and chill and just all about happiness. He knows how to make a song easy to listen to and he understands the musicality behind the laidback tones he gives off. To put it simply, he just kills the game at what he does.

With this in mind and with his new EP getting released, I decided to tweet for the occasion. Not expecting much, I just put my love for him in 140 characters and sent it out to my feed.

The next part of the story is where I completely freaked out and have been buzzing off of for today.


Thanks to Dave for this awesome shoutout. Although it may not be that much, it still made my day and quite possibly my week. (Let's be real: he made my year.)

In the words of Dave Barnes, YAY!

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