Monday, February 16, 2015

All About You.

"Dancing on the kitchen tiles.
Yes, you make my life worthwhile."

- McFly.

Pretty much this is the millionth time I am writing this with the agony of a burned mouth because I get too excited to drink my tea. First world British problems, shall we say?

Today seemed rather uneventful besides my continuous obsession with Bob's Burgers on Netflix. BUT...fear not. Yesterday was grand in every way. There were clear skies. There was warm sunshine. And mimosas were involved. AMEN.

In honor of #treatyoself2015, Kelly and I got on the Tube and headed to the unexplored territories of Trafalgar Square/Covent Garden. We brunched with our flutes held high and our pancake standards held higher. Christopher's Grill did not disappoint; we felt pretty high class if you know what I'm saying. Plus--gasp--they offered wine from the Central Coast. You the real MVP, Christopher's.

Trafalgar Square might have been a tourist haven, but it looked glorious in its nature. For a perfect London day, the place was buzzing and made me wish I could go back every day. (I mean I can, but I probably won't...for a while.)

Also, while I have you here, I'm forcing you to sacrifice 15 minutes of your life to watch what might be the best YouTube video I have ever found. Thank you, Tom Fletcher, for giving my future husband a huge run for his money when it comes to his wedding speech. You just killed the game in the best way possible and I may or may not have cried all five times I've watched this...

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