Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Here We Go.

"Oh yeah, alright.
Trying to make sense of it all tonight.
Oh no, here we go.
It won't be the last time."

-Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors.

Drew Holcomb brought Tennessee to London for a night and all was right in the world.

Working merch for an artist at their show may not sound all too glamorous. By no means is it hitting the VIP section. But for a musician like Drew, it's like doing a favor for a friend. It's all too familiar and yet, a new experience to do a table like that in a foreign land. 

Although I made an absolute fool of myself over the phone when Drew called (let me make it clear: I had NO idea it was his number ringing my cell), he welcomed us into his venue home for the night with open arms alongside his guitar mate and fellow Belmont student/alum, Nate. Is this world smaller than small?

We jammed along to the classics of Good Light and grooved to newer stuff from Medicine. One of the best of the night was this song I'm mentioning today purely because he got the whole room chanting the words back to him. It was the best drunken pub choir you could have ever found and I was glad to be a part of it. The choir, not the drunkenness. 

Drew told some stories about his wife and his life and gave us a solo encore without a microphone. Intimacy like that between an artist and their audience is so rare these days that when it happens, it makes for a golden moment.

Tonight will definitely go down as one of the best here in old Londontown. Not solely due to the fact that Drew is beyond talented, but because it was again one of those nights that made me feel like I'm meant to be here.

And I am. I have no doubt about it.

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