Sunday, February 8, 2015


"I sneezed on the beat
and the beat got sicker."

- Beyonce.

In honor of Grammy Day (and waking up too late for breakfast), I got to stuff my face with the breakfast of champions. And if you know anything about me, that means 0% health and 110% junkfood.

Enter Cereal Killer Cafe. Perched in the holes of East London, we find our restaurant of choice mixed with the market mess of Brick Lane. The whole street is crawling with vintage coats and eclectic residents alike, reminding Kelly of downtown LA and me of East Nashville. We had to queue for a solid 40 minutes just to get ourselves in the cramped space of the cafe, but it gave us ample time to know the menu. Yet I still asked more than enough questions at the counter because hey, a girl who loves cereal and breakfast as much as I do cannot decide between all the amazing foods. It's like choosing a favorite child; deep down, we have one, but it's hard to pick nonetheless. 

So what did I end up with? A full tray of goodies and sugar. My main was a medium-sized bowl of Reese's Puffs and Cocoa Krispies topped with Crispy M&Ms. (Still in nostalgic heaven over the fact that they brought them out of extinction.) Nothing goes better with cereal than a side of a S'mores Poptart and Lucky Charms hot chocolate. I may now be a diabetic, but it was worth every bite.

I don't care how long it took to get there. I don't care if we had to stand among the craziness that is Brick Lane. I will be back soon, Cereal Killer Cafe. You best be expecting me with open doors and an empty tummy.

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