Monday, February 9, 2015

Four Five Seconds.

"Woke up an optimist.
Sun was shining, I'm positive."

- Rihanna, Kanye West & Paul McCartney.

Never thought I'd see those names in the credits for one song. Wow.

Anyways, that's beside the point. After reviewing all Grammy fashion (shout out to Taylor Swift and Chrissy Teigen for best dressed!) and performances (Miranda Lambert slaaaaayed), I decided to get a tad adventurous on my mundane Monday. Or should I say...Mon-dane? Okay, no. That pun is a little pathetic.

I've said it a lot lately and I'll say it again despite possibly jinxing it: it has not rained in London for a while now and the sun is practically out every day. Taking advantage of that and the fact that it finally reached 50 degrees out, I ventured to South Kensington to take on the Natural History Museum. Boy, that place is beautiful. It's got this Gothic cathedral architecture, but it's in the middle of a posh neighborhood in Zone One of London. 

I wandered among the masses to learn all about the dinosaur era, the biology of humans and the differences between mammals and other animals. Each section had a cool interactive gadget or facts you couldn't quite find in a textbook. It struck me funny, too, of how many kids were on a field trip there. Like, they get to go on the Tube during their school week and search the museums for worksheet answers. I got to do field trips, but not on this grand London scale. Plus, some of them had little lab coats on and it just made my heart so happy to see how enthralled they were with the exhibits. 

Instead of hopping back on the public transport, I soaked up some good city sun and walked through residential lanes less traveled than my norm. Gosh, I love exploring this city because every corner and road holds the key to a new world. From snow-white columned townhouses to hole-in-the-wall businesses, there is just EVERYTHING here.

Here's to taking advantage of free sites and sunshine days. Can't wait for more to 'spring' upon me in the very near future.

(Get it? Because spring is coming...alright. I'm done.)

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