Thursday, October 2, 2014

Steal My Girl.

"We want the same things,
we dream the same dreams,

-One Direction.

Post-concert depression is such a real thing, guys. Especially after seeing the boys from across the pond. Second time was a charm for the WWA tour stop in Atlanta. It didn't hurt that our tickets also happened to be VIP Floor seats for free under the guest list of their manager's name. Connections make life a whole lot cooler. 

Story of my life, right?

So close...

Inside jokes about the local coffee shop are the best.

Our boys. Killin' it.

Harry, you light up my world like nobody else. (How cheesy can I get, eh?)

K. K. T. A.

LOL-worthy for a plethora of reasons. Side note: that mosquito has a cute face, right?

It's yo boi, Nialler.

Creepin' as usual.

What you do when you're in standstill traffic in the middle of Nowheresville, Tennessee. (Besides my indecent peeing-on-the-shoulder-of-the-freeway act.)

Don't forget where you belong. HOME.

70,000+ people singing the same song for 70,000+ different reasons.

Look at how pretty they are.

VIP tickets >>>>>> school and internships.

Also, this happened...and I almost cried of joy.

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