Sunday, October 19, 2014

Everything is Possible.

"You and me are going to take on the night.
You and me are going to burn out the lights."

-Jonathan Jackson.

Learning that life is all about spontaneity is a hard lesson to grasp. I'm not one for surprises and I definitely love a well-planned adventure. But this weekend, I just let it all go and lived the YOLO lifestyle. (Yes, I still say YOLO, so get over it.)

Friday night around half past 11 p.m., I found myself with three friends in the middle of Kentucky screaming out One Direction songs at the top of our lungs as we stuffed our faces with the Sonic likings of grilled chicken sandwiches and Oreo Blasts. Saturday night, I pretended to be famous with my roommate and mingled among the silver screen stars of ABC's Nashville. Today, I skipped an afternoon nap to bask in the glory of autumn sunshine of Music City and see Steve Moakler play a free show in the park. 

After the show, Tori and I ventured to our coffee home of Fido to grab some Football Seasons and Local Lattes. Who knew a random jaunt to our favorite spot would land us in the middle of a deep life talk?

We talked about how good we had it in the glory days of high school and how much we're both obsessed with our hometowns. (Give it up for West Coast living!) But we also reveled in awe over how amazing college has been, especially in the past two months. We have gotten some of the best concert tickets imaginable. We have roadtripped near and far with laughs taking up the mileage time. We have succeeded in our passions--journalism and social work, respectively--and realized that between classwork and tests lies so much more that we won't be able to find in the real world.

Maybe, just maybe, I'm coming to terms with the fact that life is made by extraordinary moments and extraordinary can be defined by an infinite amount of ideas. Whether it be indulging in a cafe's perfectly-baked cookies or driving five hours to see your favorite band, we've got it SO good.

And that's all I want from my life. Goodness and happiness. Oh, and add a dash or two of laughter along the way.

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