Sunday, October 5, 2014

Anthem Part Two.

"Young and hostile,
but not stupid."

-Blink 182.

I feel like every weekend of this semester, I go into Monday thinking that there was no weekend to even begin with. I guess that's nice to know time is moving crazy fast this year, but I also feel as if I'm maybe missing out on more of life. I can never be too sure about which assumption is the actual truth. It's a day by day progression, rollercoastering its way in the corners of my mind. But maybe I need to revert back to the days where the little things outweighed some huge event I may not be going to. For example, I just spent three hours in a coffee shop eating pumpkin cheesecake as my roommate, her best friend and I scrolled through Twitter to keep up with the last show of the One Direction WWA Tour. Yes, that sound eternally lame, but we had a blast despite the haters. 

Even though time's been flying and weekends seem nonexistent, I'm fully for this life. The twenties are off to a good start, but who says we really need to grow up and move on that fast? 

Not me.

Me and the birfday girl, who I adore and look up to oh so much.

K. N. K.

Forever lawling at Preview Day Shenanigans. Especially when it's 50 degrees and we're stalling between tours. Good life.

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