Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I'm Not The Only One.

"You say I'm crazy,
cause you don't think I know
what you've done."

-Sam Smith.

Once you start, you can never stop.

When it comes to Sam Smith songs, that statement is 110% true. He's not the typical pop star-catchy beat kind of guy. He has soulful lyrics and a voice like an angel to boot. But it's his simplicity that gets him so far in the industry at the moment. 

Praise Sam Smith for this refreshing take on music apart from the drowned-out sounds of synthesized madness mistaken for an actual song. 

Yes, I love pop music. Don't get me wrong. But every once in a while, it's nice to take a break from the norm and drown out a dancey hit with a Top 40 Tune worthy of loving.

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