Monday, April 21, 2014

Mmm Yeah.

"So tell me where you're from,
where you wanna go."

-Austin Mahone.

I hate this song. Like, LOATHE.

Last full week in Nashville. Last full week of sophomore year of college. Like after tomorrow, I'm done with classes. I still remember driving here during summer. I still remember being terrified of what was going to happen or if I was going to stay here. In August, I had no clue how everything would change. Sorry not sorry, my life is a total cliche and time makes all the difference in the world.

Eight days until I kiss the South goodbye for a little while. Eight days until I put the top down and cruise across seven states with one of the best. Eight days to pass all of my classes (and God knows how that's going to be). 

Shoot, man. Time is crazy. And short. And weird. And long.

But right now, time is on my side. And I couldn't be more thankful to have another friend with me as I carry out this school year.

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