Saturday, April 26, 2014

Don't Phunk With My Heart.

"I wonder if I take you home,
would you still be in love, baby?"

-The Black Eyed Peas.

Three days left in our apartment and we are spending it procrastinating, making a mess and singing this song all night long. For no reason whatsoever. 

It blows my mind to tell people I'll be sitting in my own house a week from right now. Like, as much as I have been longing for the time to admit that, I feel like I'm still here for the next month or so. Time truly does fly by when you're having fun.

Or at least when life gets REALLY busy.

So many good things are on the horizon, including summer. I think I'm actually heading into my twenties with a bang. They look pretty good to begin with, at this point.

Very good, to be quite honest.

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