Sunday, April 20, 2014

Georgia Peaches.

"Our shorts a little shorter,
cause the sun's a little hotter.
Sipping lemonade,
while we're playing in the water."

-Lauren Alaina.

Easter time in the South is like the definition of Tennessee. People in pastels and pearls galore with the aroma of homemade fried chicken in the air. Toss in a little cornhole and a sip of peach tea and BOOM. Welcome to Nashville springs, y'all. 

As I molded myself into that stereotype, nude sandal heels and all, I could not be more thankful for a day like today. Sunshine on my shoulders and a plate of comfort food is all I need to rid of the stress within my mind. 

Another great reminder of how beautiful life can be when the little things make a lot of difference. 

Most importantly, Jesus has risen and I thank God every day for the eternal forgiveness and glory He has passed to us through His son.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." --John 3:16--

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