Monday, April 28, 2014

Storm Warning.

"I'm gonna wish I had a storm warning.
I'm gonna wish I had a sign.
I'm gonna wish I had a little heads up,
a little leeway, a little more time."

-Hunter Hayes.

Boy, is this song not so on point right now.

As I continue to sit and look out my apartment window all night long for the last night ever, I wait in fear of a tornado alarm or weather alert to go off. The sky's just a bit too blue-grey to look that stormy pretty color and the clouds are moving by just as fast as college seems to be. Funny how the weather has a way of connecting to how I feel.

No, I'm not depressed despite the severe thunderstorms that have been hanging around all day. I'm reminding myself of the summer starting in 28 hours. I'm sad to be leaving my friends behind for the next three and a half months. I'm a tad nervous for what this road trip holds (okay, maybe that's being caused by the weather, but nonetheless). 

But this specific song also represents a whole other side of college to me. In fact, it was the song playing on the airplane when I touched into Nashville for orientation two Junes ago. And as much as I have been telling everyone this, I can't believe I'm halfway through university. 


After tomorrow night, I can call myself a junior. I can say I've been away for a solid two years. I can have one last day as a teenager.

And boy, do I have so many feels about all those things. Shoot. Life is insane.

So while I continue to create anxiety over the possible chance of a basement visit, I give you this song. 

P.S. This is one of the greatest people in my life and I'm so happy we can sit at a Welcome Desk for two hours and talk about life over pizza and ice cream. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Don't Phunk With My Heart.

"I wonder if I take you home,
would you still be in love, baby?"

-The Black Eyed Peas.

Three days left in our apartment and we are spending it procrastinating, making a mess and singing this song all night long. For no reason whatsoever. 

It blows my mind to tell people I'll be sitting in my own house a week from right now. Like, as much as I have been longing for the time to admit that, I feel like I'm still here for the next month or so. Time truly does fly by when you're having fun.

Or at least when life gets REALLY busy.

So many good things are on the horizon, including summer. I think I'm actually heading into my twenties with a bang. They look pretty good to begin with, at this point.

Very good, to be quite honest.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

These Are My People.

"We're just loving and laughing
and busting our asses 
and we call it all living the dream."

-Rodney Atkins.

In the midst of finals, it's exactly that. 

As we all begin upon the judgment days ahead, I was reminded (again) of how much I love this school and where I'm at. I must seem jaded occasionally because I'm constantly dependent on countdowns and summertime. And that is very true. But with warm weather and free time, everything gets a bit better.

You see, this right here is my dysfunctional family away from home. We are New York, Tennessee, Georgia and Maryland. We are marketing and music business and exercise science and political science. We are silly and mean mugging and insane. But most important, we are happy to love one another

A year ago, I never imagined having a campus job. I never knew I would be friends with some of these people. I never thought I would be eating Mexican food and talking about reality shows with them during my sophomore dead day. But that alone, made this day wonderful. 

Those smiles are genuine and filled with the greatest of joy. 

Welcome to Belmont.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


"Now I've got you in my space.
I won't let you go.
Got you shackled in my embrace.
I'm latching on to you."

-Disclosure & Sam Smith.

Sam Smith is too smooth to miss. His voice, like melted butter, spreads across every track like nothing I've ever heard before. Thank God for my roommate for saying how in love she is with his music.

Tune Tuesday goes out to you, Mr. Smith.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Mmm Yeah.

"So tell me where you're from,
where you wanna go."

-Austin Mahone.

I hate this song. Like, LOATHE.

Last full week in Nashville. Last full week of sophomore year of college. Like after tomorrow, I'm done with classes. I still remember driving here during summer. I still remember being terrified of what was going to happen or if I was going to stay here. In August, I had no clue how everything would change. Sorry not sorry, my life is a total cliche and time makes all the difference in the world.

Eight days until I kiss the South goodbye for a little while. Eight days until I put the top down and cruise across seven states with one of the best. Eight days to pass all of my classes (and God knows how that's going to be). 

Shoot, man. Time is crazy. And short. And weird. And long.

But right now, time is on my side. And I couldn't be more thankful to have another friend with me as I carry out this school year.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Georgia Peaches.

"Our shorts a little shorter,
cause the sun's a little hotter.
Sipping lemonade,
while we're playing in the water."

-Lauren Alaina.

Easter time in the South is like the definition of Tennessee. People in pastels and pearls galore with the aroma of homemade fried chicken in the air. Toss in a little cornhole and a sip of peach tea and BOOM. Welcome to Nashville springs, y'all. 

As I molded myself into that stereotype, nude sandal heels and all, I could not be more thankful for a day like today. Sunshine on my shoulders and a plate of comfort food is all I need to rid of the stress within my mind. 

Another great reminder of how beautiful life can be when the little things make a lot of difference. 

Most importantly, Jesus has risen and I thank God every day for the eternal forgiveness and glory He has passed to us through His son.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." --John 3:16--

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Dancing In The Dark.

"You can't start a fire.
You can't start a fire without a spark."

-Bruce Springsteen.

No wonder he goes by the Boss. 

Springsteen put on a show. Not just a show. It was a full-blown religious experience. I feel as if euphoria is his mission for his audience. Cause he reached that. And more.

Even if we're just dancing in the dark...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


"If you love me,
come on get involved.
Feel it rushing through you
from your head to your toe."

-Ed Sheeran.

Hooked on this Tune Tuesday. 

Ed Sheeran is just something, you guys. He rules.

Monday, April 14, 2014


"And I am flawed.
But I am cleaning up so well.
I am seeing in me now
the things you swore you saw yourself."

-Dashboard Confessional.

I apologize about my MIA status on this blog. Too many assignments due in the next two weeks, SO LITTLE TIME. Sure, Easter break is about two days away, but I should replace the word break for work. I think I have more to do over that vacation time than I have in the past month! My life is just crazy. Like, I don't even know the next time I get to have a full night of sleep. 

Living it crazy, am I right?

Because of my hectic schedule, I completely missed out on the MTV Movie Awards. But, fear not! My favorite fashions of the night...

Keeping it forever classy yet always modern, Ms. Jessica Alba. The lime-green full circle skirt just looks so prim and proper matched with a white crop/tube top. HOW IS SHE JUST SO PRETTY.

No, she is not just John Legend's lady. Chrissy Teigen happens to be so on point all awards season long. Sweetheart bodice meets super-full skirt in this cute and crisp confection by Ulyana Sergeenko.

Call me out all you want for jumping on Ellie's bandwagon way too many months late. But I can now say Ellie Goulding is a British queen and this snow-white cutout gown is proof of that statement alone. Blondes always have more fun, especially when they have the coolest voice ever. Am I right?

She may just be another Disney star, but boy does she know fashion. Her neon, floral pencil dress (high slit and all) shows off her long legs as well as lets everyone know how long she is going to rule the fashion world for the next few years. Bow down to Miss Zendaya.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

19 You + Me.

"That day we had to leave,
it was everything we wanted it to be.
The summer of 19 you + me."

-Dan + Shay.

Country music, man. I may live in the capital of it, but boy does it always remind me of home. Brings out the best in me, I guess. 

Want Wednesday also brings out a part of me coming soon...


This babydoll embroidered number with some neutral ankle booties and a golden brown tan to match just breathes the idea of lemonade and salty breezes. 20 days...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


"Hey, get your back off the wall.
Don't you get comfortable.
Looking so hot,
I think that I might fall."

-Little Mix.

You know how hard it is to sit still in a religion class with this Tune Tuesday playing on repeat in my head? Let me tell you: I WAS DYING. 

Obsessed with this Little Mix number. It literally is the catchiest thing in the best way possible.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Revenge On The Radio.

"And when you hear me singing, woah-oh-oh,
Consider this the bitterest goodbye.
Kiss mine."

-Danger Is My Middle Name.

Bringing back the freshman jams right now. Pop punk will always be my guiltiest pleasure and I am oh so okay with that. Although twenty is creeping up on me slowly but surely, the teen angst will probably burn in my heart for long after my twenties. And nothing brings that more to life than some All Time Low and The Used.

Last night was the ACMs and I have some red carpet dresses to look over...

Applause for Miss Swift. Taking the crop top-skirt combo to the classiest level, but still cool all the same. 

Kellie Pickler looking fancy as ever in this periwinkle gown with a Swarovski-encrusted waist piece. She just glows in this one, doesn't she?

The intricacy of the black beading all over Kimberly Perry's gown is just so much of a good thing. And I mean that in the best way possible. The dress hugs in all the right spots and the beading accents her curves to the point of perfection. Ah, love.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

La La La.

"I'm covering my ears like a kid.
When your words mean nothing,
I go la, la, la."

-Naughty Boy.

A little bit of pizza and muggy city air can go a long way. Sure, I may be up for the next three hours alone in my room cramming to finish a paper. But who really cares.


I basically finished this week. And that's huge for me. Especially because if you would have asked me Sunday, I thought there was no end in sight. Literally, I could not picture getting to this moment where I would be typing out my article. Like, at the beginning of the week, I didn't have:

a) an article topic follow through
b) a media job for CMA Fest
c) confidence

But now, I did it. I AM INVINCIBLE. As close to that as I'm going to get.

25 days people. Let's do it.

Also, this is adorable.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


"When it's all said and done,
you can walk instead of run
cause no matter what,
you'll never be alone."

-Lady Antebellum.


Made it halfway through the week. Downhill onto the weekend. SO STOKED. Good things are happening soon people. Very soon. I can feel it.

This may change by tomorrow, but hey. I'm in a good place and that's what counts.

How about a round of Want Wednesday while I procrastinate with Jimmy Fallon?

Empire State of Overalls. This look takes a New York City vibe to a whole new level full of greys and blacks. Oversized sweatshirts and skinny jean overalls make for '90s nirvana. And loving the loafers as well.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

High Hopes.

"I know it's crazy to believe in silly things.
But it's not that easy."


Tune Tuesday. Right here. New band. New song. New obsession.