Monday, September 1, 2014


"They will not force us.
They will stop degrading us.
They will not control us.
We will be victorious."



Glad that's over (and yet, still slightly awkward).  Sorry for my absence on here, everyone. You know what? Sometimes, life just gets in the way and heck, I'm just going to live it fully and sometimes, that means going on the Internet is at an all time low. I ain't mad about it.

But now, it's a new month and a new semester and coming up on a new season. And boy, is there a lot in store for the next few weeks. 

To be honest, I'm quite nervous. I don't know where I'm going to end up when December rolls around. But I've come to a massive conclusion...


What does matter is happiness. Every day, I plan to just find a little bit of sunshine, even if it isn't the most obvious of things. Because things will be okay. School will be okay. Work will be okay. Life will be great.

And that's just fine with me.

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