Tuesday, September 23, 2014

God Made Girls.

"He needed something soft and loud,
and sweet and proud,
but tough enough to break a heart."


Feminism seems to have become the word of the moment. From Emma Watson's incredible speech about HeforShe to the constant Beyonce craze, girls are on their way to finding their equal place. I shouldn't even have to be saying that; we have an equal place here on this Earth and we're just reminding those who keep forgetting.

Women are strong for many reasons; in fact, there's millions that I don't have the time at the moment to list them all. But even with all of those amazing feats we conquer on a daily basis, we still keep calm and sweet. Women are just the best balance anyone could ever ask for. Even when it does come to knowing how to dance on the beat or put on frilly frocks.

Beautiful. Spirited. Independent. Confident. Kind. 

That's why we're here.

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