Friday, September 5, 2014

American Secrets.

"I'm still dancing alone
with the way it was."


Tonight, I was seventeen again. 

Three years have passed since I'd last seen my favorite band. And surely, that shall not happen again. 

Now, I don't want to go on some sappy rant about how music is my life and this band changed me and blah blah blah. Long story short: their album, The Way It Was, pretty much defined my senior year and nothing compares to the lyrics I'm using for the post tonight.

Anything happy or sad or crazy I've gone through has all gone back into that one line. The song itself is the inspiration for blog URLS and Tumblr pages. Not because I think it's the greatest song ever written, by any means. Something about it just makes me feel alive. (Okay, a tad dramatic, but whatever.)

Who knew that three years ago, I was watching these guys slay in LA and now, I'm in Music City doing exactly what they do best. 

This is where I'm meant to be.

P.S. Will Anderson, you still owe me a date.

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