Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bang Bang.

"She might've let you
hold her hand in school,
but I'mma show you
how to graduate."

-Jessie J, Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj.

This summer really defined the fact that I am in dire need of a winter wardrobe worthy of the London look. If I plan to look as rad as I feel in certain outfits, I need to maintain that slight bit of confidence as I fly across the pond.

And what better way to say hello to the British by welcoming the cold with turtlenecks and oversized coats?

I, I be this platinum blonde while abroad, but mainly, I want to look cool with my California 'do. A cream-meets-chunky turtleneck plus the camel coat just defines the light I want to keep during my time away. Plus, who doesn't love a legit pair of Raybans as sunnies? The greatest.

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