Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Good Girls.

"She said to me,
forget what you thought.
Cause good girls are bad girls
that haven't been caught."

-5 Seconds of Summer.

By no means am I ashamed to admit this, but I feel as if I'm losing a bit of my dignity by saying I love 5SOS (yes, I am pronouncing it in my head as five-sauce). They bring back my glory days of pretending to be a scene kid with plaid skinny jeans and over-straightened hair. They just rock, even if they are more of the pop-punk variety.

And this song? WHAT A CHUNE. Ed Sheeran's words...not mine.

I mean, come on. We all know, deep down, this is true.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Shake It Off.

"Hey hey hey!
Just think, while you've been
getting down and out about the liars
and the dirty, dirty cheats of the world,
you could have been getting down to

-Taylor Swift.

The anthem of the last week. But, really now. It seems all my roommate and I do is listen to this song, with Fido coffee in hand, driving down the streets of Nashville. But you know, haters gon' hate.

While I try to make it another 36 hours to Wednesday (!!!!!), here's a pic recap of life being busy and cool.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

God Made Girls.

"He needed something soft and loud,
and sweet and proud,
but tough enough to break a heart."


Feminism seems to have become the word of the moment. From Emma Watson's incredible speech about HeforShe to the constant Beyonce craze, girls are on their way to finding their equal place. I shouldn't even have to be saying that; we have an equal place here on this Earth and we're just reminding those who keep forgetting.

Women are strong for many reasons; in fact, there's millions that I don't have the time at the moment to list them all. But even with all of those amazing feats we conquer on a daily basis, we still keep calm and sweet. Women are just the best balance anyone could ever ask for. Even when it does come to knowing how to dance on the beat or put on frilly frocks.

Beautiful. Spirited. Independent. Confident. Kind. 

That's why we're here.

Monday, September 22, 2014

You My Everything.

"You were my hometown when
my heart was filled with loneliness."

-Ellie Goulding.

All I can say is a massive shout out to our friends, Sam Palladio and Chaley Rose, on Nashville for helping us out with our fundraiser tonight. Their hour and a half of time alone made us the best kind of busy there is to be and we could not thank you enough for putting in the time and energy to help out! 

Really now, how great are they to spend that time supporting an amazing cause like CURE U Belmont by scooping some ice cream before a long night of set work. Now, that is what I call being troopers. 

Not only were they a big help, but some of the nicest and most down-to-earth people on the planet. And if you know me and my brutal honesty, I don't lie or sugarcoat stuff like that. I like me a good, genuine person and they both proved that to be completely true.

What a great night and a good charity and an even better life. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Thinking Out Loud.

"Maybe we found love
right where we are."

-Ed Sheeran.

Third time's a charm, they say. And was it ever.

Every single concert I've seen Ed play just blows my mind. It's probably the closest I'll ever come to euphoria and I mean that in the most biased and unbiased ways. His musical genius exploded across stage throughout the night and yet there he stands, alone, with two mic stands and one guitar. What a talent it takes to do something of the sort. I can't even begin to comprehend how he can create such life with little sound. 

Last night, as well as the other couple times I've seen Ed, make me just lose myself. That, right there, is what I'm thankful for. The times where I just live and breathe in that moment and things are good.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Rich Kids.

"Yeah, we're rich
but we don't got no money."

-Judah and the Lion.

Nashville will never fully convert me, but it seems like over the past two years that I've gotten accustomed to the hipster lifestyle. I mean, I spend five dollars on specialty coffee that mixes pink Himalayan salt with local honey and once a week, I find myself at some sort of music event.

Today definitely fell into that category. After a quick set of some indie-folk-rock-Belmont music in an independent record store (totes mainstream, not), I ventured to the brick-walled coffee shop I call home, but others call Fido. Who knew an hour later, I'd be kicking through the poop-covered mulch to moo at cows and shake some pom-poms for the pig races? 

A little bit of hipster and a tad more farm girl. Guess you can say I got the best of both worlds.
(Photo cred a la Tori Boyer.)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Not In That Way.

"You will never know that feeling.
You will never see through these eyes."

-Sam Smith.

Who knew a guy with some Boy George looks could sing just like an angel? And if you don't agree with that statement alone, you're basically wrong. No ifs, ands, or buts. It's just pure solid fact.

Sam Smith is killing the game and I could not be more excited about everything he is doing. He's kinda like the man version of Adele, refreshing and extraordinarily talented. I cannot stress enough how beautifully gifted his voice always seems to sound. Like, 100 percent of the time.


Monday, September 8, 2014


"Cause nobody knows you, baby,
the way I do.
Cause nobody loves you, baby,
the way I do."

-One Direction.


So proud of these boys for reaching #1 in over 50 countries hours after announcing the new album. You got us, all. And we, as a fangroup, love you for it. What a great surprise.

P.S. Super stoked for a new Royal baby, too. Because, you know, kings and stuff. Oh, United Kingdom, you have the best of the best.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


"Hopeless, head over heels
in the moment.
I never thought that I'd get hit
by this love bug again."

-Jonas Brothers.

Because we all need to reminisce sometimes, right?

Friday, September 5, 2014

American Secrets.

"I'm still dancing alone
with the way it was."


Tonight, I was seventeen again. 

Three years have passed since I'd last seen my favorite band. And surely, that shall not happen again. 

Now, I don't want to go on some sappy rant about how music is my life and this band changed me and blah blah blah. Long story short: their album, The Way It Was, pretty much defined my senior year and nothing compares to the lyrics I'm using for the post tonight.

Anything happy or sad or crazy I've gone through has all gone back into that one line. The song itself is the inspiration for blog URLS and Tumblr pages. Not because I think it's the greatest song ever written, by any means. Something about it just makes me feel alive. (Okay, a tad dramatic, but whatever.)

Who knew that three years ago, I was watching these guys slay in LA and now, I'm in Music City doing exactly what they do best. 

This is where I'm meant to be.

P.S. Will Anderson, you still owe me a date.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bang Bang.

"She might've let you
hold her hand in school,
but I'mma show you
how to graduate."

-Jessie J, Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj.

This summer really defined the fact that I am in dire need of a winter wardrobe worthy of the London look. If I plan to look as rad as I feel in certain outfits, I need to maintain that slight bit of confidence as I fly across the pond.

And what better way to say hello to the British by welcoming the cold with turtlenecks and oversized coats?

I plan...no, I aspire...to be this platinum blonde while abroad, but mainly, I want to look cool with my California 'do. A cream-meets-chunky turtleneck plus the camel coat just defines the light I want to keep during my time away. Plus, who doesn't love a legit pair of Raybans as sunnies? The greatest.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


"Walk a mile in these Louboutins.
But they don't wear these shoes where I'm from."

-Iggy Azalea.

I have developed a guilty pleasure. Maybe, I should phrase it more like a guilty dream job. And that, my friends, is to switch places with my girl, Iggy, for one day. By no means do I think she is the most amazing musician or that her style will change the world. But let me tell you, her songs are the catchiest tunes on the planet. Hence, my choice for Tune Tuesday.

Ever feeling down and out about how much stuff you have to deal with? Ever need a pump-me-up in order to shake off the stress? Ever want some inspiration to just do it? Welcome to Work.

And you know what? She's the realest.

Monday, September 1, 2014


"They will not force us.
They will stop degrading us.
They will not control us.
We will be victorious."



Glad that's over (and yet, still slightly awkward).  Sorry for my absence on here, everyone. You know what? Sometimes, life just gets in the way and heck, I'm just going to live it fully and sometimes, that means going on the Internet is at an all time low. I ain't mad about it.

But now, it's a new month and a new semester and coming up on a new season. And boy, is there a lot in store for the next few weeks. 

To be honest, I'm quite nervous. I don't know where I'm going to end up when December rolls around. But I've come to a massive conclusion...


What does matter is happiness. Every day, I plan to just find a little bit of sunshine, even if it isn't the most obvious of things. Because things will be okay. School will be okay. Work will be okay. Life will be great.

And that's just fine with me.