Sunday, June 1, 2014


"Even the best fall down sometimes.
Even the stars refuse to shine.
Out of the back, you fall in time."

-Howie Day.

It's a song like this that brings me back down to reality when tensions run high and my blood pressure levels rise even higher.

With tomorrow marking the quick work trip back to Music City, I'm trying not to let fear overcome my (somewhat) excitement. Although this opportunity I'm about to embark on may seem like a dream come true, I forgot the most important element until about now: all work and no play. And during summer, that is not how I roll.

Another thing: swallowing anxiety in return for fake confidence is harder than it seems, people. I'm probably going to turn into some kind of train after repeating the "I think I can" mantra so many times in my head. I mean, why do I continue to work myself up over something I'm pretty sure that I'm capable of? 

Heck, worse comes to worst, I get fired. Welcome to my life; always think of the bad consequences of anything to stress me out. What is new.

Hope someone (preferably my roommate when I get there) slaps me and puts me back in my place. Otherwise, these next eight days will be...well, AWFUL.

I think I can, I think I can.

I know I can.

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