Monday, June 23, 2014

Tenerife Sea.

"Should this be the last thing I see?
I want you to know it's enough for me.
Cause all that you are is all
that I'll ever need."

-Ed Sheeran.

I don't even care that it's not Tuesday. I don't care that I always use Ed's music for my blog titles. I don't care if people think this song sounds like everything he's made. I just don't care.

Because to me, this song is perfect. I may not know what will happen in my future, but this song will be incorporated in my wedding. Plain and simple. It will. Because it's perfect. It is. I have no other way to say that. 

Isn't that what music is all about? A melody that makes you happy. Lyrics that brighten up your smile a little bit more. Pure happiness in a three minute span. 

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