Thursday, June 26, 2014

One Day.

"Too shy to say that you need help.
You and everybody else.
You and everybody else."


It's strange to me. Usually, I could come up with some topic to write about. Even if it was just some random stuff out of the air, I know how to put words to a page (or screen, for this matter). But tonight, I just don't know. 

Nothing is wrong, don't be worried. I'm totally fine. But I just don't know what's up. Is this what people refer to as a rut? I don't think I'm trapped in one of those, but who knows? Not me, that's for sure.

Hmm...what to say, what to say. 

Maybe I should embrace this (somewhat) speechlessness. Enjoy not really having a care and focusing on the calm. Because as we all know, the calm is always present before the storm. I don't expect anything awful on my horizon. Well, if you don't count the end of summer. But that's far upon us, people. Seven weeks is long. Trust me. 

I'll figure it out. Whatever 'it' is. Which, I believe, is nothing. 

Oh well.

Sorry for my ramblings. But hey, I have to say this somewhere. At some time. In one way or another. Am I right?

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