Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Settle Down.

"We get back to my house.
Your arms, my mouth.
Now I just stop myself around you."

-The 1975.

I say a lot of repetitive terms on the daily, but these lyrics have been recited about every hour on the hour for the past week if I'm correct. As you all may know, The 1975 has become my go-to for anything (especially pretending that I'm cool) as of late, and this song has taken this week's cake as my favorite.

As I continue to settle down (haha, see what I did there? Cheeky, eh.) into the rest of my summer, I will be jamming to this band on repeat until the end of time.

Hands down.

No doubt about it.

At all.

Don't even try to test me there. 

(video courtesy of YouTube and The 1975.)

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