Friday, May 9, 2014


"Trash the hotel.
Let's get drunk on the mini bar."

-Iggy Azalea.

Long time, no see. But don't you worry about my short-lived abandonment. Summer just swept me off my feet and I was falling back in love with my life again. No big deal.

For the past two weeks about, I have spent my days with packed scheduled filled with endless car drives and countless sing-a-longs. 

I traveled over 2000 miles with one of my best friends. We danced. We sang. We laughed. We talked. We gossiped. We ate. We shopped. We tanned. We slept. We dreamed.

Together, we made the best of overly burnt skin and empty bank accounts. We indulged on extreme calories from cake and steak and Starbucks galore. We were famous (ahem) in a small town. 

The Southern belle and the California girl pretended we were Rodeo Drive worthy and sipped on margaritas (virgin, might I add) poolside. We were waking up in Vegas and looking to the right to see the Hollywood sign. We drove through Oklahoma where the wind blows, sweeping down the plain. We went walking in Memphis...well, to our hotel room in Memphis I should say. 

But after too much Frank Ocean and too little Gossip Girl marathons, Nikki has made her way back to Nashville. Leaving me here, alone, to reminisce on what the summer has already brought to me.

And after kicking into my favorite season, along with the new decade of my life (WATCH OUT TWENTIES), I can safely say everything started with a bang. 

I can't wait to see what's in store. In a week, in three months, in six years. 

I'm so down.

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