Friday, March 14, 2014

National Anthem.

"Money is the anthem
of success.
So before we go out,
what's your address?"

-Lana Del Rey.

First week of the downhill half of the semester complete. If only all weeks could go this smoothly for the next month and a half. So close yet so far.

That being said, Friday Five is here. And side note: this may be the last post I make on here.

But fear not. I mean that in the most dramatic of ways. I'm jumping out of a plane tomorrow. Parachute and all. But still, you never know about skydiving.

Anyways, back to the point. Friday Five. Lately, I'm missing the days of Miley's bun because her style was so on point. Bring back those clothes...and that hair.

Love the flannel. Love the crop top. Love this look.

I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby. Listen to Iron Maiden with me. Yep, rocking it.

If you haven't already, please wear boyfriend jeans. The most comfortable way to look cool. Trust me. Add some heeled clogs like Miley and boom. Good to go.

Switch out the kicks for some pumps and we're in business. Love me a good floral jumpsuit.

Maximize the flannel to maximize the radness. Leather boots and a jacket to match bring the look to the next edge.

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