Saturday, March 15, 2014

Free Fallin'.

"I wanna free fall
out into nothing.
Gonna leave this 
world for awhile."

-Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.

What did you do with your Saturday? Sleep in late? Eat brunch with friends? Go to some crazy parties? 

Well, I jumped out of a plane. For real.

And it was the greatest thing I think I've ever done in my whole entire life. Indescribable and completely worth everything.

I am invincible.

Propellers are scary.

Ride or die.

Cloudy with a chance of skydiving.

Go, Erin, go!

My last view before the jump.

Float on.

I'm like a bird...

I only fly away.


Double fisting.

What up.

The best. No doubt.


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