Sunday, March 30, 2014

Annie I Owe You A Dance.

"It's no surprise 
the light in your little girl's eyes
shines like the ring of your hand.
Annie, I owe you a dance."

-Tim McGraw.

While I head into quite the stressful week, I'm scared of what all it holds. But I'm at such a crossroads. I don't wanna care about school for the last month. I want to enjoy my spring here and live for the good stuff. You know eating bad foods at restaurants and going to overly expensive concerts and moving into my new townhouse. But then, school matters. And I need a good GPA. And I want to succeed and get far in life. WHY DOES MY FAVORITE MONTH HAVE TO BE RUINED BY STUPID CLASSES. 

April is the time of my birthday. My mom's birthday. My best friend's birthday. Easter. Southern spring. Dead day. Roadtrip after finals. The easiness of finals. Fall scheduling. 

Do you see how school is not on that list? Okay, great. Samesies. SO WHY IS IT A THING.

15 more days of class before finals. 15 days of pure awfulness. 

Let's keep our fingers crossed about my school survival rate.

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