Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday Morning.

"Sunday morning,
rain is falling.
Steal some covers,
share some skin."

- Maroon 5.

Well, I can say for the first time in a long time (or maybe even since I've been here), it actually looks like your stereotypical London outside. The skies are grey, there is rain sprinkling here and there and the wind is beyond blustery. I'm so glad I can just look out the window in my nice, warm comfy chair rather than brave the elements on a day like this.

While I cough and procrastinate the dreary day away, it makes me think how this is probably my last weekend here in London. For the next few weeks I'm abroad, there are trips to be taken and other cities to be seen. I can't wait to explore what more Europe has to offer, but I'm incredibly sad to think my explorations of London town are coming to a quick close. And, of course with my good measure, I have to use all my spare time on the gazillion amount of papers I have due within my time left here. Good job, me. Way to go.

It's so weird to think in a few weeks time, I can't tell people I live in Chelsea. I can't hop on the Tube to Covent Garden just to treat myself to an iced coffee. I CAN'T EVEN GO TO NANDO'S. (Sorry for my quarter-life crisis upon saying that statement.)

Basically what I'm trying to say/do besides kill time is that I'm definitely going to be missing this place. I just love it here, simple as that. It may seem, at times, that I have some love/hate relationship with the city, but who doesn't in a place as big and crazy as this? Heck, Londoners complain more about their lives here than most, which is saying something. Nonetheless, we all love this city. So much, it's hard to even describe. It's just cool and it's London, for goodness sake. 

So while I try to finish at least 1.5 out of 4 essays today, I'm going to continue looking out my raindrop-splattered window pane and be thankful to have that view for the next few weeks. Soon enough, it won't be there for me to look through, even in the midst of my lack of attention span.

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