Sunday, March 22, 2015

In The End.

"And in the end, the love you take
is equal to the love you make."

- The Beatles.

Spending weekends roaming the streets of London is becoming more and more desirable as the sun stays in the sky later and the minutes left in this city are passing quickly. This place is huge and by the time I take my seat on the flight to LA, I know there will be spots I never found and landmarks I didn't have time to take in. Adventuring has started taking over my mindset and today was the perfect spring day to go do some.

After taking a class revolving around the Beatles, it's a definite fact that I am a huge fan of them and their music now. I mean, I always was, but now I guess I can say I'm a more educated one than many. (Jokes on jokes, I'm really not that smart.) With this in mind, a trip to Abbey Road was definitely at the top of my London to-do list. Sure, it took me a while to get there, but you can't blame me for leaving the best for last (month). 

It's kind of funny walking up to your average city crosswalk and see swarms of tourists walking in single-file line just to get the best snap. To be quite honest, I think the citizens driving get rather ticked off at us dumb fans for wasting our time in the middle of the street while they are on their way to take care of business. Nonetheless, Julia, Kelsey, Amanda and I all took part in the obligatory Beatles landmark in full John-Ringo-Paul-George fashion. We even peered through the metal gate to catch a glimpse of the famous studios in which some of the albums were made. 

We enjoyed the English sunshine even more while we took on Hyde Park in all its glory. I'm just so loving this transition of London weather from grey and cold to sunny and nice. It makes for the best days off and the vibes to be at their greatest. 

Man, oh, man. England just keeps pulling me back in time and time again. And I don't hate it.

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