Thursday, March 5, 2015


"I want it to be lovely,
so that I can tell the stories.
Not because I heard them,
but because they are mine."

- Liza Anne.

Quality ceol and craic. The true Celtic nation. Or so my shirt says.

From the lush green countryside all around to the sweet-talking lads, Ireland was home for a week and served its purpose in full stride. Although I feel like everywhere I go I find a piece of the familiar in something, Ireland surrounded me with that feeling. I mean, there were cows and hills everywhere. It got me I in the European Union or Central Coast?

Even when the worst happened (missing our bus tour by FIVE minutes due to psycho rush-hour traffic), I didn't really stress out or have anxiety get the best of me. I just went with the flow, exactly like home makes me.

Kelly and I talked a little bit about the possibility of living in Ireland one day and I have to say I wouldn't hate it. With the friendly folks and the laid-back lifestyle, I think I could fit right in. Besides, the Irish are full of love and happiness with a little luck on their side.

Now I understand why Niall Horan claims Ireland as the best country in the world. And in reply, I say to him...


My new adopted family (aka Kelly's cousins) showed us the best of the west. They welcomed us in with a drink at the local pub, which resulted in a kiss on the cheek from an old drunk who also made a pass on me somewhat. Kathleen became our mom for two nights as she cooked us traditional Irish breakfast on Sunday and treated us with afternoon tea at a castle manor. It was quite the setting--taking me back to the day at Oheka Castle. Ah, what a life.

My goodness my Guinness. When anyone visits Dublin, they must partake in a tour of Ireland's best brew. Chocolate in a glass, or so it seems. While the tour explained the iconic flavor of Guinness, I can now admit that a half pint was more than enough of the rich ale for my lifetime. But hey, I got to learn how to be a bartender (kinda) and saw the city skyline from the Gravity Bar. Not a bad afternoon in my book.

Skylines never get old.

Dublin may not be filled with the skyscrapers like New York or the buzz of London, but the architecture slayed me throughout the trip. Every church is a castle and every castle is one I worshiped. Even the bridges had their own quaint charm.

Taking a day trip out to Glendalough through the Wicklow Mountains was beautiful to say the least. This graveyard alone told stories of men and women from previous centuries dating all the way back to the 10th and 11th. One man beat the 57-year-old life expectancy by a solid 46 years. Impressive.

Learning the craft of brewing. Knowing where I'm from, this probably isn't much of a stretch.

Also, this is owned by the Guinness family. But like, the Beatles and Bon Jovi and the Rolling Stones have all stayed out here. WHAT.

Oh, Howth, how I love you so. A messed-up plan resulted in one of the best afternoons of exploring since I've come overseas. Sunny skies and sea-green waters make my heart feel at ease no matter what. Howth reminded me of a Bay Area town where the seafood is fresh and the sailboats sway in time with the swell. Boy oh boy, the ocean, even in Ireland, is my everything.

Cutest shot of beer you will ever see.

Oh my gosh, okay. For those of you who know me, you have seen my picky eating ways. When I ordered this pub "stewo" with some Irish soda bread, I was nervous about the whole thing. I just wanted the traditional Irish experience. But WOW. I could eat these two stews FOREVER. On the left, we have beef and Guinness and the right, sausage and potato. God bless Irish pub food.

Before I actually tried to stomach this whole thing. 

Just a countryside home for one.

Niall, I'm sorry. But it was such a good opportunity to troll.

P.S. I love you, Ireland.

Dublin continuing to kill the game of the coolest city.

Grabbing a pint in this place isn't just fun, it's legendary. Fairy lights on the exterior. Live music in the corner created the soundtrack for our pint stop. (Ha, puns.)

Missing the paddys more and more every day....

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