Monday, February 17, 2014

Something That We're Not.

"You wanna be more than just friends.
I can't go through this again.
Stop trying to get inside my head."

-Demi Lovato.

Tea and a good friend always make life seem a bit sweeter. Even on the busiest of days, a little bit of chai and a lotta bit of talking makes everything just slow down. It's incredible for me to have these times with all of my friends because I swear, all of them are the greatest insights in my life. Today, as I sat in a rustic, cozy bedroom, my friend Shannon said...

"Sometimes, people are here for a season. And then they leave. They may come back and they may not. But that's when you know it's okay. Because it's all a season."

Although it's hard to hear, it's BEYOND true. You win some and you lose some. Friendships don't always stay the same. And it sucks. It totally sucks. But the sweetest thing to know is to have new friends, but save the others. 

Yeah, I'm a firm believer in gold and silver friendships. They matter. And they change you. Just like seasons. Some are better, some are awful. But they change. 

Right now, I may hate my classes. I may hate the weather. (Okay, it was actually wonderful out today, so scratch that.) I may just be counting down the days until summer. But this season, my friends are the greatest. Including Shannon and all that she is. 

Gotta love me some Monday afternoon tea times.

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