Thursday, February 27, 2014

Blankets In The Grass.

"I know
we are all afraid
to be alone,
so we go home."

-Balance Problems.

A post before the sun goes down? What?! What is going on?!?!?!?!

Well, it's not the apocalypse. It's just that, well, SPRING BREAK 2K14 begins in t-minus 5.5 hours and I'm so stoked. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment. Like it's absolutely insane to think we're halfway through the semester and I feel as if it just started yesterday...woah.

I'm almost done with sophomore year.


I'm almost a junior in college.


I'm almost halfway done with college.


Before I lead you to believe I'm going insane, here's the kicker: as of Spring Break, I'm focusing on the now. I am beyond excited to spend the next ten days with family and friends at home and that's my focus. To carry it over to college life will be difficult, but I think if I take things day by day, it'll be okay.

Living in the moment. Cliche, but real.

So as I write this post about actually feeling what's going on right now, I'm going to soak it all in. Remember the fact I'm listening to my favorite acoustic songs. Think about the frigid yet sunny day outside. Love how I feel excited and happy and carefree right now.

Those are the important things. 

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