Sunday, February 16, 2014


"Clap along if you feel
like a room without a roof.
Because I'm happy..."


The Nashville temps reached 50 degrees and beautifully sunny today. Boy, have I never been more excited to call below 70s warm weather. Spring, I can feel you coming on. Praying that it's sooner rather than later.

I've decided I'm going to start a random feature on the blog involving Pinterest. I've stolen from this site for Friday Fives to recipes to diet plans. It's just an essential in order for my life to run smoothly. The segment, which will appear weekly but on different days, will be called Pinning...(I'm so original, eh. LAWLZ.) But actually, when I say it, I'm channeling tiger blood Charlie Sheen saying winning. So what now.

Today's Pinning closes in on one of my faves, Miss Karlie Kloss. Ever so elegant yet edgy, Karlie takes to the streets during NYFW to prove that she got cred. Mad respect for a VS Angel in a letterman and beanie.

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