Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I Lived.

"I did it all.
I did it all.
I owned every second that this world could give.
I saw so many places, the things that I did.
Yeah, with every broken bone, I swear I lived."

- OneRepublic.

(For added effect, I would suggest you play this as you read if possible. Courtesy: Youtube)

I don't even know where to begin as I start to talk about an end.

Oh gosh, here come the waterworks.

London. I could write a novel on everything you've done for me in the past three or so months. It would definitely be a romance novel, or one based off of a romantic affair with a grand city. My character would take the role of the lost girl and you would come in and sweep me right off my feet. Because that's what you did to me, London. You made me fall so far in love that saying goodbye is cutting my insides apart and my heart is being torn into so many shreds. 

And to think I was so scared of what you may hold. I was nervous before I got to know every detail and wrinkle of your surface streets and what lies beneath (aka my poetic reference to the Tube). 

It's so weird to think you will just be another memory added to my book. You will just be another story I tell throughout my life. You will just be that town I decided to adventure to when I was young and dumb.

Nevertheless, it was you that made me feel like I could be anyone I wanted to be and who I chose to be was myself in the best possible way. 

(Okay, now I'm definitely crying.)

Oh my goodness. Okay, I can do this. I didn't know you could fall so hard for a city that fast. Heck, it took me about 17 years to realize how cool California was. But London is just my everything. It's everything. I don't even know what more to say than that.

I don't think I'll ever get over leaving it. It would be stupid for me to even think I could do that. London, you made my life so much greater than I could have ever imagined. Not even that. To be completely honest, you have left me in tears and speechless over how I feel about you and I am so beyond grateful for that. 


Wow. Alright. I need to recover from this post-study abroad depression. But London...

Thank you for the best three and a half months of my life. Best decision I could have ever made. I will never stop saying thank you for what you have done for me. Never.


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