Monday, April 13, 2015

I And Love And You.

"One foot in and one foot back.
But it don't pay to live like that.
So I cut the ties and jumped the track
for never to return."

- The Avett Brothers.

I'm sitting here just pondering the thought: how did I ever leave the sandy shore of Rota, Spain? How could I have abandoned the spring sunshine of the southern coast while sipping on wine sweeter than juice? Most importantly, how did I just wave goodbye to some of the best company I will ever know?

And after thinking about those things for a while, I've come up with the perfect answer.


Returning back to the Spanish land in this new chapter of my life called college, I expected a lot based on my previous adventure. While the city was new to me, the culture came back instantly and it was as if nothing had changed (in a good way, if I may say so myself). 

My hosts and fellow small-town residents, Cynthia and Josh, made me feel as if home was right there in their itty-bitty one-bedroom apartment. Touches like fresh-cut strawberries and the pride of a California state flag kept me at ease even though home was over 5,000 miles away. 

With laughter and "spacey" nights galore, I could not be more thankful for the rejuvenation this past trip has given me. I cannot be more thankful for my favorite Spanish hosts and my new partners-in-crime, Spain edition. I cannot be more thankful to be surrounded by a house full of love and life.

Viva Espana para toda mi vida. Or something like that.

We spent one of our lovely days traveling by boat across the sea to reach the tip of Cadiz. From brunching like royalty to walking through every single plaza, getting back on the bus to Rota was waaaaaay too hard.

Because who doesn't want a balcony that faces amazing scenes like this?

Te amo, Espana, con todo mi corazon.

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