Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Something Bad.

"Just like a real life Thelma and Louise."

-Miranda Lambert & Carrie Underwood.

She is the Serena to my Blair. She is the Wiig to my Rudolph. She is the Amy to my Tina.

And most importantly, she is the Carrie to my Miranda.

(P.S. I'm talking about the queens of country, not Sex and the City royalty. In that case, she's more of a Samantha and I'm a Carrie. Just for clarification.)

No matter how far apart we are from each other or how different our interests may be, no one makes me laugh harder than my best friend. Emily and I have been partners in crime since age 4. Even though she is technically 15 days older than me, she's the brawn and beauty while I'm blunt and brains.

We balance each other out and that is honestly one of the things I am most grateful for in our 16 years of friendship. She makes me want to be a bit more adventurous and makes me wish I was that kind of a soul. In return, I offer her my honest perspective and a thicker skin. As odd as it may sound, we are yin and yang yet two blondes who eat too much In-n-Out and joke about the inappropriate and rude things in life.

Here's to her. And our annual Palm Springs roadtrip. And the next 60+ years of love, laughter and life.

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