Monday, May 4, 2015

Saw You First.

"While you hold on,
let that golden go.
Golden goes on,
so don't hold it, oh no."

- Givers.

Today marks the day of my first summer job/internship/commitment. And yet, even though that may sound like misery, it's quite the opposite.

You see, this isn't some corporate waste-of-time or a late-night shift at the drive-thru. I get to work with awesome people doing awesome things and for that, I am grateful.

My first day consisted of: making a PowerPoint of my favorite things, lunch, wine tasting, photoshoot for my own blog post and, well, making that blog post. If you know me, you know how perfect that first day is to me. On top of all that, my boss is THE GREATEST. Literally, she is a rockstar.

For a little bit more about what I'm doing, you can check out this other blog about it here:

And don't even think I won't be updating you along the way. Summer is here in full force, job or not.